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Renewable Energy Source for Africa

How we can help

Renewable Energy creation now represents almost half of new annual capacity additions worldwide. The importance of energy to carry out various activities cannot be overemphasized. Renewable energy serves as the best solution since they are inexpensive and environment-friendly. 

Renewable Energy SolutionsAfrica has substantial new and renewable energy resources, most of which are under-exploited.  Yet despite Africa’s generous renewable resource endowment, several investors are repelled by perceptions of risk, financing shortfalls, the dominant role of national power utilities, and a preference in some countries to exploit fossil fuels. 

However, we are focused on increasing renewable power in support of our clients’ businesses, where it is reliable, scale-able, and cost-efficient, and lowers our carbon footprint. 


We work with utilities to turn the challenges such as increased competition, limited government subsidies, technological disruption, etc. into opportunities by strengthening their core business, improving operational efficiencies, and expanding our clients’ customer base.


  • To save cost and minimize our clients’ company expenses.

  • When power from the Grid isn’t available for some reason, your firm can have access to self-generated electricity to keep running and not suffer from downtime.
  • You’ll be getting a hefty returns on your investment. While the investment may be pretty large now, it will definitely help you save money in the next few years.

Let Zikzara take care of your energy needs. We provide power solutions through renewable energy in Africa. 

Click here to contact us or fill the form to request this service.

We have the expertise, networks, and partnerships to help you navigate the opportunities and risks, and find the right investments, local alliances, and new markets to ensure that you share in the future prosperity of the African continent. We are always open for assistance, just write to us!

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